Tuesday, February 7, 2012

getting away

Ahhh, I feel so happy an inspired recently! I've really been enjoying the unseasonably warm weather (even though it's super, super scary that it's 50 degrees in February in Maine), but I just can't help it. The play that I'm in is coming together and will be over at this time next week. I'm knitting up a storm on the sweater that I'm (finally) making for myself, and my Mom is coming out on Friday for a long weekend, so I'm going over to the mainland to meet her. Oh wait, that was going to be a surprise. I hope she doesn't read this..

Actually, I think my joviality (word?) has more to do with that last part than anything else. It's been over a month since we've been off the island and I'm beginning to go a little bonkers. I'm excited to use the gift card I got for my birthday to treat myself to a nice lunch at a cafe, go to the co-op and get some whole foods for the course I'm taking, and wander around the Goodwill for second hand cookware that I can dedicate to soap/candle/body care-making

Two pounds of Maine beeswax came in the mail yesterday, and I'm itching to give lip balm a go (recipe here)!  I'm also secretly hoping to find some fabric (maybe an old sheet at the Goodwill?) that I can repurpose into some couch pillows...something just right for an afternoon nap, methinks. I think my next project is going to be a cutting board, though - maybe out of some island spruce? Just have to find the right piece of wood....

It's such a luxury to be able to wander around the "real" world for just a little while - I'm taking the 8:45 over, and the 1:00 back, so that gives me 3 hours - just enough time to run a few errands, but not so much that I'll get into trouble :)  Finn is going to stay here as that's RIGHT in the middle of his morning nap time...which means over 2 & 1/2 hours of travel time, baby-free - I'm itching to bring my knitting, but I think I'll be good and work on the grants that are due next week instead...

First, though, I want to find a piece of wood to make a cutting board! Ours is old and warped and rocks when I chop stuff on it (which is not exactly the safest idea ever). I'm hoping that I can find a piece of island spruce at the wood mill on the island - maybe even a bit with some bark still left on it. I'm really excited about it and found what looks like a super easy tutorial (mine will just be square, not the bottle shape).

I'm excited to try a new popcorn recipe involving honey and salt and will post when I've got the proportions right - sweet and salty, who doesn't like that?

Yippee, yay, and yahoo for simplification!


  1. oh sarah!!! love this! I wish I were there to make soap and lip balm and cutting boards too!

  2. MORE PLEASE!!! i am having a life vicariously through you. <3

  3. Sarah sometimes you can rejuvenate an old wooden cutting board by putting it upside down in a puddle on the counter and weighting it. It will take at least over night but I've done it a couple of times with a board that is 1-1.5 inches thick
